If you’re considering a career in marketing, knowing just how much you can earn with an online marketing degree may help you make your decision. Of course, what job title you hold and what tasks you’re responsible for accomplishing will play a role in your earning potential. How much work experience you have will also affect your wages. However, earning an online marketing degree can certainly help you …
Starting Salaries for Candidates With Online Marketing Degrees
Entry level employees with an educational background in marketing earn a median salary of $40,000, according to U.S. News & World Report. That’s thousands of dollars more per year than the $36,200 median annual salary for all occupations, the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reported. This suggests that from the start, how much you can earn with an online marketing degree makes an education in this subject valuable. Often, entry-level marketing professionals hold job titles like advertising sales agent, according to U.S. News.
Median Wages for Marketing Professionals
At mid-career points, marketers earn a median salary of $78,000 per year, U.S. News reported. However, precisely how much you can earn with an online marketing degree depends on what job you do. Advertising sales agents are among the lowest paid marketing professionals, earning around $46,000 per year, according to U.S. News. Public relations specialists earn a bit more, with a median annual salary of $54,000. Marketers who delve more into the research side of the industry as market research analysts bring home a median salary of $60,000 per year.
Six-Figure Marketing Management Jobs
Just how much you can earn with an online marketing degree? You could make more than $100,000 per year, if you move into a management role with the right organization. Sales managers make a median salary of $105,000, while advertising, promotions and marketing managers earn $116,000 yearly, according to U.S. News.
Beyond Salary Expectations
Of course, salary isn’t everything. There are other benefits to earning an online marketing degree as well, such as rapid growth in job opportunities. While the BLS predicts job prospects overall to rise by just 11 percent over a decade, it expects roles for market research analysts to expand by a shocking 32 percent, U.S. News reported.
Because promoting and selling products and services is crucial to virtually every industry, candidates with a marketing degree can find jobs in many different settings. The skills you learn while studying marketing online can land you a role in a marketing or advertising agency, a retail company, an in-house corporate marketing department, a manufacturing firm or an insurance firm.
Earning your marketing degree online can prepare you for a variety of jobs, some of them very lucrative. While marketers in different roles, employment settings and geographical locations may make different salaries, how much you can earn with an online marketing degree makes this path a worthwhile educational investment.
Related resource:
Top 10 Colleges for Affordable Online Marketing Degrees